Everyone wants to love and be loved. If we accept this sentence, we have already taken a huge step towards tolerance. Instead of focusing on the differences, it is a great thing to pay attention to what connects us all: LOVE, in any form.
Spend Valentine’s Day with your partner, friends, relatives or a family member, express your feelings boldly! We offer help for this: to every Valentine’s Day surprise, we give you a postcard as a gift, on which you can write your message and your thoughts, so that the person you appreciate knows how you feel about him.
€28,00 – €55,00
€28,00 – €55,00
€28,00 – €30,00
€15,00 – €55,00
€15,00 – €55,00
Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved | Photo: Jágity Fanni
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