Thyme de Provance seeds


Thyme De Provence, or ‘Summer Thyme’, is a popular perennial herb that is well known for its culinary, medicinal and ornamental uses. With its tiny, soft, grey-green leaves and small, pinkish flowers, Thyme de Provence is spicier than common thyme and is the preferred option in authentic French cuisine. In fact, it is the leading component in the famous Herbes de Provence dried-herb mix, as well as in the Bouquet garni – a bundle of string-tied herbs used to flavour soups and stews.

The package contains 10 seeds Indoor sowing: February – March. Outdoor sowing: April – June. Put it in a bright, sunny place. Attracts bees and butterflies.
Pro tip: thyme requires very little care, apart from occasional watering. Light pruning helps maintain its compact but bushy shape. Thyme is a sun-loving plant: the light draws out the pungent oils that make its taste so strong.

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