Verbena Common seeds


An Argentinian verbena skyline is unmistakable. Verbena’s tall, slender stems, displaying delicate lilac flowers in tight clusters atop, create a whimsical appearance of floating flower heads dancing in the wind. Its unique appearance makes it a great choice for wildflower borders and meadows as well as for terrace gardens to create a sort of natural border. In addition to its beauty, verbena is a great pollinator-host plant. Butterflies, in particular, love verbena for their fragrant, nectar-filled flowers. Its Latin name’Verbena bonariensis’ actually came from Buenos Aires, where the plant was discovered.

The package contains 150 seeds. Indoor sowing: February – March, outdoor sowing: April – June. Tolerates full sun or partial shade. Expert’s tip: In winter, cover the roots with straw or mulch.

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