You can support the tendrils of this fast-growing climber, or you can let them hang from a hanging planter. It earned its popularity because of its deeply lobed, palm-sized leaves, which give the plant a lovely appearance. It grows bushy at first, then its stems become increasingly elongated, quickly climbing up the available support. The plant is an easy to care for and can grow happily indoors, too.
Product size: 14 cm
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Give it a bright spot, out of direct sunlight.
It thrives best in a humid, moist environment, but does not like standing water.
It is easy to propagate by cutting the stems back and inserting the cut ends into a damp medium or water.
It is native to southern Thailand and Malaysia, was first described in the 1800s, and is rare in the wild. Thanks to propagation, it is now a widespread houseplant.
Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved | Photo: Jágity Fanni
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