It is one of the most popular houseplants to this day. Its leaves are large, punched through with holes and palmately-lobed, and their beauty is indisputable. It’s an easy to care for houseplant and ideal for beginners, too. The leaves of the young plants initially have a full heart shape; they become perforated and lobed later.
Product size: 17 cm
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Position it in semi-shade or filtered light.
It is a plant with moderate water needs and appreciates misting.
If it gets plenty of water, the excess will drop out at the end of the leaves – hence the Hungarian name “tear palm” (könnyezőpálma).
Unripe fruit and the rest of the plant are also toxic: due to their high oxalic acid content, they cause burning, painful corrosion after consumption. Its fruit can be eaten when ripe, but for more sensitive people it can cause irritation to the tongue and mucous membranes. The “deliciosa” part in its scientific name refers to its edible properties and pleasant taste. It does not flower in Hungary.
Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved | Photo: Jágity Fanni
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