It earned its popularity because of its stunning, patterned leaves: they have a striped pattern and are burgundy coloured on their backs. It is easy to care for, but needs your attention. This plant is strongly sensitive to frost; therefore, possibly even in winter, don’t let the temperature for it go under 15-17 °C.
Product size: 12 cm
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Give it a bright spot, out of direct sunlight.
It needs regular watering and prefers high humidity, so mist regularly if possible.
Its tiny flowers, with three petals, are mostly white or pale pink in colour.
The most interesting feature of this plant is that it moves its leaves all day, then folds them at night and places them in a vertical position. It earned the name prayer plant because of this odd habit. It hails from tropical areas, and is native to Central and South America and the Western Indian region.
Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved | Photo: Jágity Fanni
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